Efficient monitoring meaningful savings

Our mission is to simplify energy monitoring by making advanced technology easy to use for businesses. We deliver detailed insights into energy consumption, far beyond what traditional smart meters offer, all through seamless integration with our advanced analytics platform. We’ve empowered businesses across the UK and beyond to reduce their carbon footprint, cut energy costs, and support their ESG efforts, while streamlining compliance with standards like ISO50001, GRESB, SECR, ESOS, and BREEAM.

About us
Monitor Hut

Team Monitor Hut

We’re a friendly bunch with experience across a range of industries. From expertly project managing hardware installation to equipping you with advanced energy data analysis, we’ve got you covered!

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Monitor Hut
Monitor Hut

Business Energy Management with Monitor Hut

At Monitor Hut, we make IoT solutions within energy and air quality monitoring accessible to your organisation, regardless of your level of in-house knowledge. Whether you have dedicated resources or no in-house expertise, we'll equip you with an analytics platform that's insightful and easy to work with. We take care of your hardware sourcing and installation, and ensure all your consumption data is available in real-time and providing you the insight you need to make better savings.

Effortless data collation

We install hardware that monitors energy and air quality remotely, from site down to asset level depending on your requirements. These send data to your personal Monitor Hut, meaning you’ll never have to collate data from multiple sources separately again.

Actionable insight

Monitor, visualise, and analyse energy consumption and the air quality in your buildings to better understand its impact against your carbon footprint and on your bottom line. Monitor against your KPIs or identify problem areas where efforts should be focused to help work towards various compliance standards.

Informed improvement

Model new consumption patterns and validate your improvement initiatives. Forecast energy savings and establish the payback period for your energy efficiency objectives.